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Read:1 Timothy 4:7-8
Listen: 1 Timothy 4

…train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:7-8

The pursuit of satisfaction in God requires practice. Paul compares it to the rigorous training that top athletes endure. Athletes train for years to become great at their sport. Even then, they face injuries and setbacks that may hinder their goals. They may have to start all over from the beginning. Paul insists the pursuit of godliness is similar but more valuable. There will be struggles and failures, but it is worth the effort. Satisfaction in God holds blessings in this life and the next.

To live a life that finds satisfaction in God alone, our satisfaction in him must grow. That will take practice. Our hearts orient toward God through carefully cultivated spiritual practices. Money and stuff may preoccupy our minds. Regular giving strengthens our satisfaction in God, not our savings or stuff. Popularity and affirmation may drive our actions. Serving without recognition grows humility and satisfaction in God seeing us. Our training will include missteps and do-overs. God extends his grace. He sees our efforts and knows our hearts. He walks alongside and helps us as we practice the ways of Jesus.

TODAY: In this sermon series, we have learned that God is limitless, slow to anger, not needy, peace, jealous, generous, trustworthy, holy, creative and satisfying. Which attribute do you need to lean into to be fully satisfied in God? Revisit that sermon and meditate on the attribute. Write that attribute on a sticky note or on your phone: “God, you are ________.” Keep that attribute in front of you for the next month, and ask God to grow your satisfaction in him.


Read Jeremiah 9-10. Highlight anything that points to Jesus. Consider the Lord who brings justice and righteousness to earth and how these things meet in Jesus (Jeremiah 9:24).