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Read: Exodus 34 6-7
Listen: Exodus 34

And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God…” Exodus 34:6

God tells Moses his name and then defines himself by compassion and grace. This is who he has always been and the first characteristics he wants Moses to know about him. He overflows with love for his people and his world. The word compassionate is related to motherhood. God cares for his children in the most helpless and powerless places. He knows his people are vulnerable and dependent upon him. His love exists before time begins and inspires creation. His compassion pursues his people in a world torn apart by sin and brokenness. His graciousness offers undeserved salvation. To love is his very nature, and he proves repeatedly that his love is without fail.

For some, it is easy to believe that God is loving. Yet, it can be hard to believe that God loves us. This is particularly true when we experience hardship or suffering. The consequences of sin and brokenness separate us from God. A.W. Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” Do we see God, primarily, as a loving God who has proven to be gracious and compassionate despite our rebellion? Our perspective changes when we begin to see God as a loving parent. We see his persistent, compassionate presence throughout our lives. He stands with us in our suffering. He walks alongside us in our pain. He reaches across the chasm created by sin because his love for us never ceases.

TODAY: Do you think of God as loving? Take a moment to journal about an example of God’s love in your life. Thank him for his faithful love even when you don’t see it.


Read Psalm 2. Highlight anything that points to Jesus.