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Read: Acts 17:29-30
Listen: Acts 17

Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. Acts 17:29-30

As Paul starts to wrap up his speech at the Areopagus, he tells the people of Athens they need to repent. In their ignorance, they worship false gods and idols of stone. The people were devoted to worshipping gods like Athena, Zeus and others. Things were different now. Since Paul told them the truth about God, they should repent and change the direction of their lives and the ways they live.

Throughout this sermon series we have looked at who God is. We have seen that he is limitless, compassionate, slow to anger and not needy. These are big concepts which are hard to wrap our minds around. For many of us, it is even harder to fully believe and wrap our hearts around such truths. As with the Athenians, we ought to be open to learning new things about God and responding to who he is.

TODAY: Think back on the major points of the series so far: God is limitless, slow to anger and not needy. Which of these do you struggle to believe? Consider how you can grow to believe and live out of the truth about who God is. It might mean memorizing a verse of Scripture or posting a sticky note reminder of a characteristic of God and focusing on that each day. It could be a prayer each morning inviting God to help you believe the truth of who he is.


Read Psalm 102. Highlight anything that points to Jesus.