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Read: Acts 17:24-30
Listen: Acts 17

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Acts 17:24-25a

The Apostle Paul is invited to speak at the Areopagus in Athens (also called Mars Hill). This is the place where leading philosophers gathered to discuss and debate the nature of life and religion. Paul speaks of the God they do not know, the one true God who created heaven and earth. He tells them that God is not served by human hands and does not need anything. This would have stood out to those listening because the Greek gods were very needy.

The one true God is not needy. The theological word is aseity, which means “out of himself.” In other words, God has all he needs within himself. He has no physical, spiritual or relational needs. He does not need anything from anyone. This can be a difficult concept to wrap our minds around, but it has significant implications for our lives. This week, we will consider just a few implications, including how God is eternally happy and the source of life. We will also see that the proper response is to worship the one true God.

TODAY: Journal about the implications of the aseity of God. Try to wrap your mind around the fact that God does not need anything from anyone, including you, yet he wants you. Then consider what implications this could have on you, your life and your relationship with him.


Read Psalm 118. Highlight anything that points to Jesus. Consider how Jesus said verses 22-23 point to himself (Matthew 21:42).