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Read: Romans 11:35-12:1
Listen: Romans 11 and 12

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1

Paul speaks to the philosophers in Athens about how the one true God does not need people to serve him (Acts 17:35). Later, in his letter to the Romans, Paul hits on a similar theme. He tells the Jesus community in Rome that the right response to God is to offer their entire lives to him. He calls this true and proper worship. True and proper worship lays everything at the feet of the one who is worthy.

It is easy to think that we worship God because he needs it, as if he is somehow happier or more satisfied when we worship him. However, this is not true. He does not need our worship. We do. We were created for worship, and we all worship something. It could be money, status, beauty, achievement, etc. None of these are worthy of our worship, and it’s only when we worship God that we experience life. The worship Paul describes goes beyond singing songs. True and proper worship is to live for God, and to find our purpose, value and identity in God.

TODAY: We each worship something. Memorize Romans 12:1 and bring it to mind over the coming days. May it remind you of the mercy of God and invite you to view your very life as worship to God who is worthy.


Read Psalm 41. Highlight anything that points to Jesus. Consider how verse 9 points to the betrayal Jesus suffered.