Small Groups
Small Groups


Join a small groups circle to share life, pursue God and invest in others.

Why Small Groups

God created us for community. Our healthiest seasons of life often are when we surround ourselves with meaningful relationships. That’s why we do small groups. Small groups are circles of people who help us grow in our faith.

Small Groups are our place to belong, grow and serve.

Questions? Contact us.

Our Values

Share Life

God created us with a desire for community. Small Groups help you build life-giving relationships as they…

  • Create a loving environment where people can share life’s joys and struggles.
  • Value and respect each person’s story.
  • Encourage, challenge and care for each other.

Pursue God

Small Groups help you take the next step closer to Christ, no matter where you are in the journey. Spiritually healthy small groups…

  • Discuss Christ-centered biblical truth.
  • Engage in meaningful conversations that challenge each other toward Christ-likeness.
  • Encourage spiritual practices that help each person faithfully follow God.

Invest in Others

Small Groups help us value others the way Christ values us. Outwardly focused small groups…

  • Serve together and encourage each other to find a consistent place to serve.
  • Invest in those outside the faith, respond when asked about our hope and invite others to a weekend service.
  • Consider group growth. That might mean adding new people to the group or branching out into other groups.

Join a Group

Join A Group

We offer groups for men, women, and young adults as well as for couples and single adults. You may join a group by clicking the Join A Group button below. Visit any of our ministry’s pages for more information on their group offerings.

New small groups launch in the fall and winter each year.

Join A Group               Young Adults

Men’s Ministry               Women’s Ministry 

Couples               Singles Ministry   

Financial Peace University   

Form A Group

We love when people want to start a new group. Grab a few friends, co-workers or neighbors and start meeting. Find tools to help you at Form a Group.

Questions? Contact Us.

A Small Group Story


Small Group FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about Small Groups.

Still have a question? Send us an email.

  • What types of small groups do you have?

    We have groups for: Couples, Men, Women, Singles and Young Adults.

  • How do I join a group?

    We’re excited you are ready to take a NEXT STEP by joining a small group.

    Each Fall and Winter. Our men’s, women’s and young adult’s ministries launch new small groups; however, you can still join later in the year. Dates and sign-up information will be available through our various connections (digital bulletin, online & social media). See your campus ministry coordinators if you are interested in signing up after group launch.

    Group Launch. Join a new small group that meets online, in a home, or in a coffee shop at one of our twice-yearly events called Group Launch. Watch our various connections (digital bulletin, online & social media) for the dates to sign up.

    Send us an email if you have further questions.

  • How are small groups formed?

    Usually we connect people in small groups by location, stages of life, availability and by Ada Bible campus.

  • Do on-campus groups provide childcare?

    Childcare is available for Ada Bible Moms’ Ministry on Tuesday mornings at the East Paris Campus as well as for Women’s Ministry on-campus groups that meet on Wednesday mornings at each campus.

    Childcare registration is required.

  • How long does a small group last?

    Some small groups last several months and some for several years. We don’t have a magic formula for how long a group will last. Our hope is that spiritual growth and healthy relationships happen no matter how long the groups meets.

  • What do small groups study or discuss?

    We provide a resource called the Sermon Discussion Guide. Many of our groups study this material that circles back to the sermon and is updated/emailed each Sunday morning.

  • When and where do small groups meet and how often do they gather?

    Each small group is different with different needs. Our on-campus men’s and women’s small groups meet most weeks during the school year. Other small groups meet online, in people’s homes, workplaces or other places in the community. To best share life, pursue God and invest in others—we encourage small groups to meet weekly or at least every other week.

  • Who leads the small group?

    We desire all small group leaders to be seasoned followers of Jesus who love to see people spiritually grow in a relational environment. We don’t require a seminary degree or special counseling gifts. We simply want people who care for others and can bring direction and life-giving conversations to a group of people. We provide oversight and additional resources (such as the Sermon Discussion Guide) to help our small group leaders lead well.