Next Steps

Next Steps

We are all moving in a direction. Some of us with a lot of purpose, while others are still trying to figure things out. All of us have a NEXT STEP in our spiritual journey — whether we are just learning about Jesus or have attended church all our life. Visit Ada Bible Church now.

Why Next Steps?

Our desire is to aid people in their spiritual journey — whether they are just asking questions, exploring their faith or attending regularly.

All of us have a NEXT STEP. Click a box above or question below for more information.

  • Where can I sign up for a Membership class?

    Find our next NEXT STEPS classes here. Registration begins three weeks prior to the class date.

  • What is a Membership class?

    Everyone has a NEXT STEP. The NEXT STEPS class is about taking next steps to connect with God, others and our church.

    Over the course of the one hour class, we explore these next steps:

    • Growing in your relationship with Jesus
    • Joining a small group
    • Getting baptized
    • Becoming a member of Ada Bible Church
    • Giving financially
    • Serving others

    Attend a NEXT STEPS class at your campus!

  • What is my NEXT STEP to connect at Ada Bible?

    Our desire is to bring people closer in relationship to God and his church. We have ministries for all ages and stages of life. We have many ways you can serve with your time, talents and money. Ready to become a member? We have a place for that too. Explore the boxes above for more information.

  • What is my NEXT STEP to connect to God?

    God desires a relationship with us. You might be exploring faith or been wrestling with it for a while. You probably have a lot of questions. We understand and have many ways to help you grow your relationship with God no matter your starting point. Explore any of the boxes above for more information. Email us with any questions.

  • What is my NEXT STEP to connect with others?

    God designed us to desire community. This happens best in a circle of people we call a Small Group. When a group meets, they grow closer together and, ultimately, challenge each other to be more like Jesus. Click the Join a Group box to learn more about Small Groups.

  • What is taking a NEXT STEP?

    God created each of us unique. There is no manual for the perfect way to grow your faith. No one-size-fits-all. But there are things we can each do to move forward in our journey with God and others. Only you and God know your heart and where to go next. Explore the boxes above to find a way to move forward in your spiritual journey.

  • When is the next Membership class at my campus?

    Find your campuses scheduled Membership classes HERE.

  • Why is taking a NEXT STEP important?

    The Bible is God’s love story to us all. We join that story when we connect with God, his church and others in community. Learning and being in a relational environment feeds us. Growth happens when we reach out to take a next step. Click a box above to find your NEXT STEP.