Relative Simplicity
01.20.25 - 01.24.25|True Wealth Series
01.20.25 - 01.24.25|True Wealth Series
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5
The author of Hebrews instructs his readers about their relationship with money. He gives them two connected commands—to live free from the love of money and be content with their current circumstances. These two instructions go hand in hand. The author of Hebrews knows a love of money fuels dissatisfaction. The love of money is the spirit of “more.” Contentment, however, is the spirit of “enough.” It’s recognizing God’s hand of blessing and being satisfied in him and his provision.
Relative simplicity is closely tied to a spirit of contentment. To live with relative simplicity means living on less than we can afford to spend. It is committing to spending less than we can afford on cars, vacations, or in general. It’s a choice to live a more modest lifestyle than what our income might otherwise dictate. Simplicity is ultimately a mindset that stems from contentment. It is to be so satisfied in God and his provision that we do not need to spend our money on more, instead choosing generosity.
TODAY: Review your recent spending, considering your last month or two of expenses. In your gratitude journal, list three ways your current resources are sufficient. Then, identify one way to foster greater simplicity with your money moving forward. Thank God for what he’s already provided as you seek his help to live more simply.