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Listen: Matthew 6

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26

Large crowds follow Jesus, bringing their sick and suffering loved ones—those possessed by demons, the paralyzed and many others seeking healing. Jesus sees the crowd and addresses their deep anxieties about daily provisions in his central teaching, the Sermon on the Mount. These people live on the edge of survival, worried about their next meal and basic necessities. Rather than minimizing their concerns, Jesus draws their attention to evidence of God’s generous care in creation. He points to birds soaring overhead and wildflowers carpeting the hillside. If God so carefully provides for his creation—how much more will he care for people created in his image?

We face many “what if” worries today that can keep us up at night—fears about AI replacing our jobs, affording housing in an uncertain market, having enough saved for retirement or catastrophic medical bills that could devour our finances. Jesus teaches that we can’t diminish worry by fixating on our fears and worst-case scenarios. Instead, we reduce anxiety by focusing on the generous heart of our heavenly Father. The same God who designed intricate flowers that serve no practical purpose except beauty and provides for countless birds promises to care for us, his beloved children. He knows exactly what we need before we even ask.

TODAY: Continue or begin the practice of journaling three things you’re grateful for each day. Today, include at least one observation from nature that reveals God’s generous heart. Ask for God’s help to focus on his faithful provision rather than your fears. Consider joining us for Financial Peace University to gain practical skills in managing your finances. Learn more HERE.