Question 3: What does it mean that God is holy?
01.20.25 - 01.24.25|True Wealth Series
01.20.25 - 01.24.25|True Wealth Series
Question 3: What does it mean that God is holy?
Answer: God’s holiness means he is set apart from sin and evil, perfect in his nature and character.
The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished. Exodus 34:6-7
God makes a profound self-declaration at a critical moment in Israel’s history. They have just broken two of his commandments (Exodus 20:3-4) and worshipped a golden calf (see Exodus 32). God reveals his holy character—he is set apart from all evil and sin, yet simultaneously abounding in love and compassion. His holiness isn’t just about moral perfection; it encompasses his complete otherness from creation. God exists in his own category—uncreated, eternal, independent and infinite—while everything else is created, time-bound, dependent and finite. This passage shows that God’s holiness doesn’t make him distant or uninvolved. Instead, his holiness is perfectly balanced with his compassion, grace and faithfulness while maintaining his justice and righteousness.
This revelation of God’s holy character transforms how we understand both his love and justice. When we grasp that God is holy—completely set apart from sin and evil—we begin to appreciate the magnitude of his grace toward us. His holiness means he cannot overlook sin, yet his love moves him to forgive and restore. This is why the cross of Jesus is so significant—it’s where God’s perfect holiness and perfect love meet. We can approach our holy God with confidence because he has made a way through Christ. His holiness sets the standard for our lives, while his grace enables us to grow in holiness.
TODAY: Take time to reflect on God’s holiness. Thank him for his grace, which allows you to approach him despite your sin. Ask for forgiveness and for the Holy Spirit’s help to grow in holiness. Choose one specific area where you can pursue holiness today through your actions and attitudes.