01.25.25 - 01.31.25|True Wealth Series
01.25.25 - 01.31.25|True Wealth Series
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11
Continuing his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus uses a powerful comparison his audience understands deeply. In their culture, even the poorest fathers would ensure their children had bread to eat. No father would mock a hungry child by giving them a stone. No parent, however imperfect, would give their child something harmful like a snake when they asked for fish. Jesus points them to a father even greater than their earthly examples—one who gives perfect and good gifts to his children when they ask. He invites them to bring their needs to their generous heavenly Father rather than carrying their burdens alone.
When anxiety about the future weighs on us, we often forget that our heavenly Father invites us to ask him for what we need. Even if our earthly fathers disappointed us, we can trust our perfect heavenly Father, who delights in caring for his children. Rather than lying awake at night wrestling with “what ifs,” we can bring our needs directly to him. Just as a good father wants his children to come to him with their needs rather than suffer in silence, our heavenly Father wants us to bring our concerns to him in prayer.
TODAY: Practice mealtime prayer using this pattern: First, thank God for the specific meal and those who helped provide it—farmers, grocery workers, cooks. Second, acknowledge who God is—his character and care. Finally, bring one or two specific requests to him, whether for restored relationships, financial needs or other concerns weighing on your heart.