Politics and Unity
September 6|Politics & Unity Series
September 6|Politics & Unity Series
Read: John 17:22-23
Listen: John 17
“I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” John 17:22-23
Jesus’s prayer for unity for all believers resonates today. Unity illuminates the Church as a beacon of light for a broken world. Pastor Aaron Buer prayed five things over Ada Bible Church. 1) That no matter who we vote for we will feel welcome at Ada Bible. 2) That we will view politics through the lens of Jesus and not the other way around. 3) That we will become curious about why our fellow Jesus followers hold political views different from our own. 4) That we will invite God to challenge us through this series. 5) That Jesus will bond us together as a church during this political season.
We will likely experience conflict in our relationships and nation this season. Throughout this series, we learned that Jesus calls us to live differently. He is to be King over every area of our lives, including politics. How we relate to each other and our unity as believers has eternal consequences for the gospel. We are called to live with both conviction and compassion as citizens of God’s kingdom. We are called to be humble servants in a world that promotes self-centeredness. We can rely on the Holy Spirit during this political season. He will guide us in love and compassion toward others in ways that reflect his kingdom and reveals what Jesus is like.
TODAY: Find all the sermons in this series HERE. If you missed one, watch it now. Or re-watch one for continued growth. Then, continue to pray Pastor Aaron Buer’s five hopes for yourself and Ada Bible Church during this election season.
Read Ezekiel 9. Highlight anything that points to Jesus. Observe the marking of the righteous for preservation. Consider how, through Jesus, we are marked by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13).