Jesus or Barabbas
August 16|Politics & Unity Series
August 16|Politics & Unity Series
Read: John 18:38-40
Listen: John 18
They shouted back, “No, not him! Give us Barabbas!” Now Barabbas had taken part in an uprising. John 18:40
The crowd in front of Pilate has a choice to make. The choice is between a political revolutionary and the very God who created them—and they choose Barabbas. They reject Jesus. He isn’t giving them what they want. He talks about a kingdom, but he doesn’t seem interested in overthrowing Rome. The Jews are focused on political freedom when true life is right in front of them.
It’s a mistake people have made for thousands of years. It’s a mistake that’s easy for us to make. When faced with a choice between Jesus and something else, we often choose the other thing. They put their hopes in a political leader, and we can do that as well. Our culture tells us that everything hangs on the next election, and we believe it. But that’s not true. Everything hangs on the cross. And that’s done. Jesus has already won. He’s the king. He’s the only person who can carry the weight of our hope. Our culture is asking us to make the same choice those first-century Jews did. It tells us to choose a political leader or party over Jesus. We have to recognize it as a lie and choose Jesus. Only Jesus can promise to do away with pain, sadness and death. Only he can make all things new (Revelation 21:1-5).
TODAY: Return to the weekend service and the worship song “Hope has a Name” as a reminder that our true hope is found in Jesus.
Read Jeremiah 24-25. Highlight anything that points to Jesus.