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Read: Acts 16:12-33
Acts 16

“He then brought them out and asked, ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” Acts 16:30-31

During his time in Philippi, Paul encounters a diversity of believers. A wealthy businesswoman opens her heart to the message of Jesus (Acts 16:14). A slave possessed by an evil spirit declares Paul and Silas “servants of the Most High God (Acts 16:17).” Moved by Paul’s faithfulness and compassion, a Roman jailer believes in Jesus and asks Paul to baptize him (Acts 16:33). Ten years later, Paul writes a letter to the believers in Philippi. He encourages them to be a unified community, like-minded and one in Spirit (Philippians 2:2). Paul knows both their diversity and unity strengthen their Christian witness.

We tend to put Christians in a box. Sometimes, how we understand faith affects who we see as worthy of the gospel. But the community of Christ reflects the beauty and diversity of God’s creation. Things like political affiliation and socio-economic status are not barriers to the gospel. God calls us to live in unity rather than despise one another for our differences. We are called to have both conviction and compassion. When we live as a unified, Christian community, Christ’s love spreads like wildfire to those around us.

TODAY: God calls us to be people of both compassion and conviction. Take a moment to journal about which one you lean toward and why. Then pray: “God, I confess that I have been too focused on _______________ when trying to reach others. I ask that your Spirit would lead me to be a person who is both compassionate and full of conviction. Amen.”


Read Ezekiel 5-6. Highlight anything that points to Jesus. Look for God’s judgments against idolatry. Consider how Jesus calls us to worship God alone.