Beyond the Weekend Podcast: Take your weekend services experience deeper with the Beyond the Weekend Podcast, a dynamic conversation that unpacks and explores our sermons. Join our teaching pastors and Ada Bible staff members as they dive into Scripture, share personal insights and discuss practical ways to live out these teachings throughout your week. Whether […]
Watch this special message from Pastor Jeff. TRANSITION TIMELINE TEACHING PASTORS PASTOR JEFF MANION has served nearly 40 years as Senior Pastor of multi-campus Ada Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI. Jeff is a gifted communicator, author and mentor who has guided and coached many pastors and ministry leaders. Jeff and his wife, […]
FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY GROUPS New Financial Peace University groups start April 14, 2023. What if you could reduce your stress, experience financial stability and practice radical generosity? HOW WOULD THIS CHANGE YOUR LIFE? Improving our finances is about paying off debt, saving money PLUS so much more! Jesus’s biggest teachings are on contentment and generosity. […]
Marriages are so important to God. Stressful situations today have negatively impacted a lot of marriages—and that’s not in God’s plan. Whether you’re struggling with your marriage or not, watch this The Company of Christ: Bonus Content on Marriage video with Pastor Jeff Manion. RESOURCES EMAIL CARE. Is your marriage struggling right now? We’d love to […]