Turn from Idols
October 24|Unshakable Series
October 24|Unshakable Series
Read: 1 Thessalonians 1:6-8
Listen: 1 Thessalonians 1
For they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God. 1 Thessalonians 1:9
For the new believers in Thessalonica, turning to God also means turning away from something. In most cases, it means turning away from idols. In the ancient world, nearly everyone worshipped the Greek and Roman gods. Their society revolved around the temples of these gods: the sacrifices, festivals and rituals. People believe the gods are the ones who protect and bless them. When people come to faith in Jesus, they turn from gods like Apollo (god of youth, beauty and health), Asclepius (god of medicine and healing) and Poseidon (god of sea and rivers). They place trust in God for their salvation and daily needs.
When we turn to Jesus for rescue and salvation, we also turn from idols. Our idols are not made of marble and wood. But they are things we think can rescue us, save us, fill us and give ultimate meaning. We might idolize success or wealth and think they provide security. We might idolize power and believe it can save and protect us. We might idolize love and relationships thinking they bring meaning. Our idols can be anything we look to fill our emptiness, find security or fulfill us. Turning from idols is something we do every day as we follow Jesus and put our trust in him alone.
TODAY: Thank Jesus for rescuing you from the idols you used to follow. Join the Ada Bible worship team as they sing “What a Beautiful Name.” Use the lyrics to form the basis for your prayer, “You have no rival, you have no equal.” Thank God that Jesus alone can save you and give your life purpose and meaning.
Read Joel 1. Highlight anything that points to Jesus.