Open to Admonishment
October 30|Unshakable Series
October 30|Unshakable Series
Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
Listen: 1 Thessalonians 5
Acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
Paul reminds the Thessalonian believers that spiritual leaders in the church are responsible for gently correcting and guiding them to follow Jesus. These leaders work among the people, not above them, humbly providing care and guidance. The word “admonish” carries the idea of helping someone see the truth with gentleness—like a loving parent pointing a child toward what’s best. Paul urges the church to recognize their leaders and be open to the admonishment they give to guide them in their new life with Jesus.
We need spiritual leaders who care for us and speak truth into our lives. Receiving correction requires humility. Our teaching pastors care for us by teaching what Scripture reveals about how following Jeus impacts our choices, attitudes and actions. When we reach out to a campus pastor for care, he may guide us in changing our response to a situation. When we talk with a women’s ministry director about our struggling marriage, she might gently warn us about how our actions add to the struggle. A youth ministry leader may point out that a certain choice goes against God’s plan for us. Spiritual growth happens when we’re open to receiving a warning like “this isn’t what God wants for you” and are willing to change direction.
TODAY: Ask God to open you to correction. “Lord, thank you for our leaders who work hard among us, care for us and admonish us to live according to your Word. Give me a humble heart that is open to your correction through my spiritual leaders. Help me respond with gratitude when others care enough to speak truth into my life. Amen.”
Read Amos 3-4. Highlight anything that points to Jesus.