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Question 1: Who is God?

Question 1: Who is God?
Answer: God is the eternal, all-powerful Creator and ruler of the universe, existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Read: Genesis 1:1-5
Listen: Genesis 1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

The opening words of the Bible reveal God as Creator. Before anything else existed, God was. He speaks light into darkness with power and authority, bringing order from chaos. These verses reveal God’s unlimited power, divine nature and role as the source of all things. Scripture doesn’t attempt to prove God’s existence—it simply declares it, revealing his eternal nature and supreme authority over all creation. From the very beginning, Scripture reveals that God’s words carry the power to create galaxies and that his wisdom establishes life itself.

The foundational truth that God is Creator shapes our entire understanding of God. He is not one god among many but the uncreated, eternal source of everything. As Creator and ruler, he has both authority and wisdom to direct creation. Yet this all-powerful God also reveals himself as personal and relational, existing as the Trinity, one God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God’s power extends beyond our comprehension, but his love reaches directly into our lives. Understanding God as Creator and ruler transforms how we understand everything—our world, circumstances and lives. When we grasp that the God who spoke the universe into existence is the same God who knows and loves us personally, it changes how we approach worship and daily challenges. This truth calls us to entrust our entire lives to his power and authority.

TODAY: Consider how you view God. Ask him to help you see him as he truly is—both the sovereign Creator of all things and the personal God who loves you. Let this truth guide your worship and trust in him today. For more information on who God is, read the We Believe section on God HERE.