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Read: Psalm 142:5
Listen: Psalm 142

I cry to you, Lord; I say, “You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.” Psalm 142:5

David is still in the cave. He’s still running for his life and still feels alone. But David trusts God. He has history with God. Remember, this is the David of David and Goliath. He knew he could trust God because God had proved himself faithful over the course of his life. David may be in a rough season now, but he hasn’t forgotten that God is trustworthy.

We can also trust God amid difficult seasons because of what he’s done for us. There’s no greater evidence for the trustworthiness of God than what Jesus did on the cross. He loves us so much he died on the cross to rescue us from our sins. When we find ourselves in a place we didn’t expect, didn’t ask for or don’t want, we can look to the love of God poured out on the cross. God invites us to honestly express ourselves to him. The psalms of lament teach us that this involves complaining and asking but is truly built on trust.

TODAY: Today, we add prayers of trust to our laments. If you’ve never trusted God with your life, you can place your trust in the work of Jesus on the cross to save you from your sins today. If you’d like to have a conversation about what that looks like, reach out to us at btw@adabible.org, and we’ll connect you with someone. To finish your prayers of lament, read through your complaints and requests. For each one, write one-to-two-sentence prayers of trust. Consider including why you trust God in those prayers, reminding yourself of the work of the cross and other ways God has proven himself faithful to you over the years.