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Read: Ephesians 2:4-10
Listen: Ephesians 2

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8

Paul writes to the Ephesians about their true identity. Rather than starting with commands, he spends three chapters explaining who they are in Christ before instructing them. This approach shows the Ephesian believers their identity isn’t earned through effort but received as a gift through faith in Jesus. Like an anchor that needs to be set in something solid to prevent drifting, Paul wants these believers to secure their identity in something unshakeable. He knows transformation will flow from their new identity rather than striving to earn God’s favor. They must be securely anchored before they can live out their calling.

We begin the new year by making resolutions and setting goals, often driven by a nagging feeling that we aren’t enough. There are two ways to live: we can strive to achieve an identity through our efforts or let our efforts flow from our God-given identity. When we anchor our identity in temporary things like achievements, appearance or success, we’re left constantly drifting and striving. It’s like dropping anchor in shifting sand—there’s no security. But when we anchor our identity in Christ, we find the solid ground we’ve been searching for. This security becomes the foundation for genuine transformation as we live out who God declared us to be.

TODAY: Reflect on where you’ve been anchoring your identity. Write what defines your sense of worth (achievements, relationships, appearance) in your journal or mobile device. Ask God to help you anchor your identity in who he says you are in Jesus throughout 2025. We’ve created a wallpaper for your phone to remind you of your identity in Christ. Download it HERE.