50 Key Truths
12.29.24 - 1.3.24|Anchored Series
12.29.24 - 1.3.24|Anchored Series
Read: Matthew 16:13-20
Listen: Matthew 16
“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:15-16
We are going to explore fifty key truths about our faith through questions and answers this year in Beyond the Weekend. Each Friday, we’ll examine one foundational belief supported by Scripture references. Questions are vital for helping people learn and grow. In ancient Israel, the religious education system was built on asking good questions. Good teachers taught by using questions. Jesus was a master teacher, asking over three hundred questions during his ministry. One of the most essential questions Jesus asked his disciples was, “Who do you say I am?” For years, they watched him heal and listened to his teachings. Simon Peter responds, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). Peter clearly stated his understanding of Jesus. This moment is a turning point in the disciples’ relationship with Jesus.
In a world of competing beliefs and shifting values, clearly grasping what we believe and why we believe it has never been more important. When asked, we might struggle to explain our faith or feel uncertain about core doctrines. These fifty truths will help us understand and explain core beliefs about God’s nature, Jesus’s work, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church and our eternal hope. They provide a foundation for understanding our faith and sharing it with others. We pray that throughout this study, God will deepen our love for him, encourage further Bible study, and equip us to share our faith with others clearly and confidently.
TODAY: Commit to learning these 50 key truths throughout 2025. Ask a family member or friend to join you. Ask God to deepen your love for him and help you share your beliefs with others.