Senior Pastor Jeff Manion shares Habakkuk’s journey from complaining to God to trusting him. In this story, Habakkuk complains to God, God responds and Habakkuk trusts God in the face of terrible circumstances. As we move through Habakkuk’s story, we discover three words connected to trusting God— patience, joy and strength—that will help us navigate […]
Senior Pastor Jeff Manion shares how Hosea lives out the relationship between God and his chosen people. In this story, God asks Hosea to do a very strange thing—marry an unfaithful woman. God teaches Israel a profound lesson about his love and commitment to them through Hosea’s marriage to Gomer. God confronts the Israelites for […]
Pastor Jeff Manion unpacks a story from the Book of Haggai. Through Haggai, God challenges the Israelites about rebuilding and their priorities. Through the story, we learn lessons about God’s disruptions, responding to discipline, living a life marked by decisions and be willing to work through seasons of disappointment. Haggai 1-2
Senior Pastor Jeff Manion walks us through the story of Jonah. God asks Jonah to take a message to a city infamous for its level of depravity. Through the story, we learn what Jonah understands about God that makes him hightail it in the other direction. Jonah knows God shows mercy. Jonah experiences God’s mercy […]