DON’T MISS THIS.Join us for the ADA BIBLE ACADEMY starting October 24. We are offering two different three-week classes to help you grow deeper in your understanding of the Bible and build skills for sharing your faith. Learn more and register for UNDERSTANDING AND READING THE BIBLE or SHARING YOUR FAITH WITH CONFIDENCE at
GROUP VALUES. This October, we’re focusing on PRAYER. Consider the role prayer plays in your small group and your individual walks with God. Discuss how your group can be a community that makes prayer for each other a regular part of your daily routine.
GROW AS A LEADER.Have you had a 1-on-1 with your staff contact lately? Now that your group is hopefully in a fall rhythm, it’s a great time to talk about goals, challenges and opportunities to grow. Reach out to your staff contact this week to set something up.
Welcome to the second week of our new sermon series, UNSHAKABLE. This week, we explore how Paul dealt with uncertainty regarding the new believers in Thessalonica and what we can learn about having an unshakable faith in uncertain times.
Share about a time when you felt anxious because of uncertainty in your life. How did you handle it?
Have someone read 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 aloud.
What stands out to you about Paul’s concern for the Thessalonians?
How does Paul describe the trials or pressures that believers face?
How did the faithfulness of the Thessalonians impact Paul and his companions?
Pastor Aaron Buer continued our Unshakable sermon series by discussing how Paul navigated uncertainty regarding the Thessalonian believers. As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas and main points.
In our society, how do people typically respond to uncertainty in relationships or other important areas of life?
Paul was deeply concerned that his work with the Thessalonians might have been “in vain.” Describe a time when you poured yourself into a relationship or ministry and felt uncertain about the outcomes of your work.
Paul warned the Thessalonians that following Jesus would bring pressure into their lives. Where in your life are you experiencing pressure because of your faith? How are you handling it?
An unshakable faith realizes when facing pressure that we also have an enemy who tempts us away from trusting Jesus. Where or when are you most vulnerable to the enemy’s temptations?
How can we stand firm in our faith when facing temptation?
Paul’s faith was greatly encouraged by the Thessalonians’ faithfulness. Share an example of someone whose faithfulness has inspired or encouraged you. How did their faithfulness build up your faith in difficult times?
How can our group grow in strengthening and encouraging each other’s faith?
Throughout this letter to the Thessalonians, Paul repeatedly mentions Jesus’s return. How does the promise of Christ’s return and the hope of eternity affect how you live your daily life?
In what area of your life are you facing uncertainty? How can focusing on the promises of Jesus’s return help you remain unshakable in this situation?
This week, we discussed how Paul dealt with uncertainty and how we can have an unshakable faith in uncertain times. What is one practical step you can take this week to stand firm in your faith, even in the face of uncertainty or pressure?