February 1/2 God Rich
February 1/2 God Rich

February 1/2 God Rich

February 1/2 God Rich


DON’T MISS THIS. Join Discovery Village for their annual FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT. Dress up in your favorite pj’s to enjoy popcorn and the movie Super Mario Brothers with the whole family! For more information on this campus-specific event, click HERE.

GROUP VALUES. This week, we are wrapping up our focus on the value of creating a SAFE ENVIRONMENT. An essential part of creating safety involves setting aside time to get to know one another’s stories. God uses our stories to build connections and teach us about himself. For helpful tips, check out our 2X2 Method HERE.

GROW AS A LEADER. Join us for RECOURAGE on March 6th! ReCourage is a one-day conference for ministry leaders hosted by Ada Bible Church. Keeping a healthy spiritual heart is hard when you serve in ministry week after week. It doesn’t take long to feel drained. As a small group leader, your spiritual health can directly impact the well-being of your group. To learn more about how you can recharge your own heart through this event, click HERE.



Welcome to week four of our sermon series TRUE WEALTH. This week, Pastor Jeff finishes our series by exploring a biblical perspective of generosity and how it relates to loving God and loving others.



Think back to your first employment experience. Share with the group what kind of job it was and

how you initially handled receiving a paycheck. Were you a spender or a saver?



Have someone read Mark 12:28-34 aloud.

What phrases or words stand out to you from the passage?

Why do you think Jesus commends this teacher as being “not far from the kingdom of God”?

What connection do you see between loving God, loving others and our approach to living out the Christian faith?


Pastor Jeff concluded our TRUE WEALTH series by exploring how our perspective on wealth and generosity flows from our love of God and others. As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas and main points.

What messages do we hear from our culture about the purpose of becoming debt-free or financially secure?

In the message, Pastor Jeff said it is possible to get out of debt, become financially stable and miss the big picture entirely. What is the big picture, and how might someone miss it?

The Gospel of Luke gives an account of key women who supported Jesus’s ministry, including Mary, Joanna and Susanna (Luke 8:1-3). What strikes you about their motivation for giving? How does this challenge our understanding of church giving?

How does viewing our resources through the lens of “for the glory of God and the benefit of others” change our approach to financial decisions?

Pastor Jeff mentioned that “later is lethal” when it comes to generosity. What obstacles often prevent people from starting to give early in their lives?

How does experiencing God’s generosity influence our approach to giving?

In the same way that gratitude can potentially transform us into grateful people, generosity has the potential to transform us into loving people. In what ways can giving shape our character and affect our spiritual formation? How have you seen this in your own life?

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warns that the things we give our money, time and attention to are truly the things we care about. How have you seen the connection between your treasures and your heart?

What specific step could you take this week to grow more generous? How might this step help develop your love for God and others?

How can we, as a small group, encourage each other to view our resources through the lens of God’s kingdom rather than just our own needs?



As we conclude the TRUE WEALTH series, take a moment to reflect on how your perspective on money and possessions has been encouraged or changed. What’s one key takeaway about true wealth that you want to carry forward?

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