August 3/4 God is Satisfying
August 3/4 God is Satisfying

August 3/4 God is Satisfying

August 3/4 God is Satisfying



DON’T MISS THIS. We have been created, called and gifted by God to SERVE OTHERS. We believe serving is at the core of being a Jesus-follower. Ask God to open your eyes to the opportunities around you and give you the courage and willingness to step into new areas of service. If you have not found your place to serve, go to>SERVE to find many different places and ways to serve.

GROUP VALUES. This August, we’re focusing on GROUP GROWTH. Fall is a great season to add new members to your group. Discuss as a group whether your group has space to add new people. Pray and ask God to reveal who needs what you have and who could join your group.

GROW AS A LEADER. Rooted in providing practical advice for emerging and veteran leaders, the Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast equips leaders with the necessary tools for continuous improvement and lasting impact. Listen to recent episodes at




Welcome to the tenth and final week of our sermon series, GOD IS___. This week, we discuss how God is satisfying by examining a warning God gives to Israel through the prophet Jeremiah.


What’s the thirstiest you’ve ever been, and how did it feel when you finally got something to drink?



Have someone read Jeremiah 2:13 and Jeremiah 7:6-10 out loud.

How would you explain the concept of “broken cisterns” to someone who’s never heard it before?

What stands out to you about the warnings God gives Israel in Jeremiah 7:6-10?



Pastor Jeff Manion continued our God Is sermon series by discussing how God is satisfying. He examined God’s warning to Israel through the prophet Jeremiah. As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas and main points.

What are common ways people try to satisfy their inner longings apart from God?

Where do you most struggle to find satisfaction in God alone, and where do you go instead to fulfill those longings?

Have someone read Matthew 22:34-40 out loud. God reveals that loving him and loving our neighbor are linked. Who has been a good example of how loving God well leads to loving people well?

What person (or group of people) do you struggle to love and why?

How can our group encourage each other to love God with all we have and extend God’s love to those we struggle to love?

Pastor Jeff shared how spiritual practices help grow our satisfaction in God. It’s not that doing these practices once makes a difference, but practicing them over and over for long periods of time. What are some spiritual practices that have deepened your love for God and grown your satisfaction in him?

What practice do you need to focus on in this season to grow satisfaction in God alone? How can you begin or continue that practice this week?



This week, we discussed how God Is satisfying. What from this conversation or the sermon encouraged or challenged you the most, and why?

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