Apr 6/7 The Guest Room

Apr 6/7 The Guest Room

Welcome to week seven of our new series, Correcting Spiritual Drift. This week, Jeff Manion’s conversation centers around the obedience of one woman and her trust of God, as He gives her new dreams and stays with her through hardship.


Building healthy and life-giving relationships.


What has been new or challenging in your life since last time the group met? Spend 20–30 minutes checking in with each other.

Share Part of Your Story

What did Spring Break look like for you? If you didn’t have a Spring Break, what would you have liked to do?


What can the group pray for you this week that you have coming up in your life and need to trust God with?


Taking next steps toward Christ together.

Have several people take turns reading 2 Kings 4:8-37. Then have someone describe in their own words what this story is about. What do you find interesting?

Story of Hospitality

God gives this woman a dream and provides what she needs to make it happen.  How does she respond to this dream?

How does this woman extend what she has to others?  What sort of motivation do we sense behind her giving (see 2 Kings 4:13)?

Pastor Jeff Manion suggested that we invite God to mess with our lives. How did this woman invite God in by her actions? What kind of changes to her life do you think her decision made? Who do you know that has invited God into their life in some way like this? How was their life impacted?

What is something God has given you that you could extend to bless others and further His kingdom?

Story of Blessing

What is the woman’s response to Elisha’s question when he asks her if she would like anything in return for her hospitality? What does her response say about her motivation for serving Elisha?

What is the woman blessed with? How do you think she felt about hearing this news?

Read Hebrews 11:6. God desires to bless His children. Sometimes those blessings are not the monetary, physical or other blessings we anticipated or thought we wanted. What are some examples of the ways God has unexpectedly blessed you?

Pastor Manion mentions that the fear of tomorrow can cripple generosity. Often due to fear, our culture can tend to have a protective attitude of our time and possessions.  In what ways could this story challenge that type of thinking?

Story of Heartache

The woman opens herself up to receive a blessing, but she also opens up for heartache. Retell what happened to the boy and how the woman responded. Elisha doesn’t seem to have a clear plan for what to do next. How do you think each character felt?

Just like the woman and Elisha in the story, we don’t always understand what is happening in our heartache.  Have you or anyone you know ever gone through a hardship that left a yearning for God to fix everything?  How was God still present with you or them in the waiting?

Story of Life

The ending of this story is not prescriptive of the exact way God always works. It was not a common occurrence in Scripture; however, we heard a similar story from Luke. Read Luke 7:11-17. How does this story with Jesus connect to the story of Elisha and the woman? What does this story tell us about Jesus?

In Scripture, Jesus refers to himself in various ways. What are some of these different names? What do these names mean to you and what do you think it means that Jesus is life? How have you seen others trust the Lord of Life with their life? How do you?

We talked about four different stories. Which one of these do you find yourself in right now?  What is one way this week you can make the choice to open your hands and invite God to mess with your life and your stuff?


Valuing people outside the group and outside the faith.

Discuss how you and your group can better engage the people in your life outside your small group.

Relational Investment

This April, the Invest in Others section looks at inviting others. Who is one person you could invite to church next week for Palm Sunday?


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