Welcome to the final week of our series, Correcting Spiritual Drift. This week, Jeff Manion’s conversation centers around a man’s journey from pride to humbly following God through his healing.
Building healthy and life-giving relationships.
What has been new or challenging in your life since last time the group met? Spend 20–30 minutes checking in with each other.
Share Part of Your Story
What does your Spring schedule look like this year? What are you most excited about? Least excited about?
As we reach the end of this series, how can your group be praying for you to help you keep from spiritually drifting?
Taking next steps toward Christ together.
Have a couple of people read 2 Kings 5:1-19 aloud. Who are the major characters? What are some of the important moments in the story?
You might call Naaman,”Mr. Trophy Case.” How does the text describe him in 2 Kings 5:1? How does he go about trying to get healed? What is he relying upon?
How is Naaman guided along through the process? When have you felt like you have received critical guidance in your spiritual journey? How can community help us when we feel like God is guiding us?
If someone asked you what Jesus means to you and why it matters, how would you respond?
How does Naaman initially respond to Elisha? Why do you think he responds that way? What are some situations when we might respond similarly?
How does Naaman’s interaction change after Elisha heals him? What do you think has happened to Naaman’s character?
Sometimes God takes us from a place of pride to a place of humbly trusting him. How has this happened to you? Why might it be so crucial for correcting spiritual drift in our lives?
Naaman had a serious problem—leprosy. What are some of the ways leprosy might impact Naaman’s life?
Just like leprosy is a serious problem for Naaman, sin is a serious problem. Do you typically think sin is as serious of a problem as leprosy? What are some of the ways sin might affect our lives?
Naaman storms off after Elisha’s instructions. How do his servants get him to return?
Naaman wants to earn or buy his healing. Why do you think it is hard for him to do what Elisha instructs? Why does Elisha not take the money?
What does Naaman have to do to be cleansed of his leprosy? Do you think the bathing is what healed him? If not, what actually healed him?
What does it mean that when we come to God, we leave our trophies on the shore?
Grace means that we recognize that we bring nothing and God brings everything. Grace is something that we do not deserve and cannot earn. Have you accepted that grace or is that something you want to talk about accepting?
Naaman’s washing in the Jordan is similar to the Christian practice of baptism through immersion. What are some of the ways it is similar? What does baptism represent for a Christian?
Naaman humbled himself and was obedient by washing in the Jordan. Throughout the New Testament, we see that Christians are called to be baptized. Have someone share with your group their baptism experience. For those who haven’t been baptized as a believer by immersion, consider going through the baptism process together as a small group.
This week our conversation follows the story of Naaman’s healing. What area of discussion did you connect to the most? Where were you challenged the most? As you think through today’s discussion and others in the series, what is one step you can take this week to keep from drifting spiritually?
Valuing people outside the group and outside the faith.
Discuss how you and your group can better engage the people in your life outside your small group.
Relational Investment
This April, the Invest in Others section looks at inviting others. Easter presents a unique opportunity for us to invite those around us to church. Who would you like to invite to join you for Easter services Saturday or Sunday? How can your group be praying for you and those you want to invite?
Download a printable PDF here.