The Confrontation
September 18|Is Jesus Worth Following? Series
September 18|Is Jesus Worth Following? Series
Read: Matthew 8:28-34
Listen: Matthew 8
Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region. Matthew 8:34
Jesus encounters two demon-possessed men living among tombs. The men are so violent that people avoid the area entirely. The demons immediately recognize Jesus’s authority and beg for mercy. Jesus casts the demons out with a word, freeing the men from torment. But the townspeople react badly. Instead of celebrating, they plead with Jesus to go away. It appears they fear Jesus’s power and authority and don’t want him to disrupt their lives.
We can often respond in a similar way. Jesus’s authority challenges our habits and decision-making. We may want to tell Jesus to go away and stay out of our views on sexuality rather than seeking his Word. Or, we spend our money without thinking about his teachings on generosity. We may want to hold on to anger, unforgiveness or resentment rather than follow his teaching and forgive others as he forgives us. Sometimes, we want Jesus’s blessings without full submission to his authority. But a partial commitment to Christ is ultimately no commitment at all. He calls us to yield every area of our lives to his good and perfect will. Resisting his authority robs us of the full, abundant life he offers (John 10:10).
TODAY: Prayerfully examine your life. Are you telling Jesus to go away? Share what God reveals with a trusted Christian friend or your small group leader, and discuss how you could invite Jesus into every part of your life. Maybe you’ve told Jesus to leave your schedule alone because you don’t have time for community. Now is a great time to grow in community and accountability. Learn more about small groups and sign up HERE.
Read Ezekiel 23-24. Highlight anything that points to Jesus. Observe the metaphors of unfaithfulness. Reflect on how Jesus remains forever faithful to His people (Hebrews 13:8).