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But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. 1 Peter 3:15a

Read: Isaiah 8:12-13
Isaiah 8


Peter’s realistic about what might happen even if first-century Christians treat others with love and respect. They still might suffer. But instead of telling them to toughen up, Peter roots his encouragement in understanding who God is. Watch this video clip as Pastor John Dickson tells us, Peter’s quoting the prophet Isaiah. It isn’t just don’t fear those around them—revere God. It’s one thing pushing out the other. It’s reverence for Jesus as Lord pushing out fear of others. A proper understanding of who Jesus is should make all the difference. Instead of being afraid, Peter tells them to be ready to speak up. When they view Jesus as Lord, it gives them the confidence to give a simple answer to those who ask why their lives are different.

It can be easy to live a life concerned with the opinions of those around us. While we shouldn’t callously ignore how we come across to others, there is a different way. Peter’s instructions help us see that we are to revere Jesus more than fear others. When we remember Jesus is Lord of our life, it can transform our identity. It minimizes the fear of others by replacing it with trust in God. It leads us to be open to giving a simple answer. Caring more about God than others makes us willing to step into spaces and openly give an answer for the hope of Jesus in us.


Return to the song, “Morning by Morning (I Will Trust),” from the weekend service. The lyrics call us to trust where God leads, even when we can’t see because God is good and our future is secure.


Join us all of 2023 developing a different spiritual practice each month. SPIRITUAL PRACTICES are intentional regular activities to deepen our relationship with God and mold us to be more like Jesus.

January is BIBLE READING. Keep track of our spiritual practices at beyondtheweekend.org/spiritualpractices.