Series: 10
Pursue Purity
All through history people have believed that having freedom to do anything they want is the road to happiness and the best life possible. The truth is, the pathway to freedom is not doing whatever we want, but living as God has designed us. Often, following our own whims and desires leads to bondage rather than freedom. There are few aspects of our life where this is truer than our sexuality.
God’s call to sexual freedom in the Ten Commandments is “Do not commit adultery.” Jesus raises the bar and calls us to examine our eyes, heart, and how we view others and ourselves as sexual people. Even lusting is seen as a sexual sin. The pathway to freedom in our sexuality is purity, not license. With this in mind, we need to shape our lives and curtail our decisions (every day) to line up with God’s call to holiness and purity.
Exodus 20:14; Psalm 51:7-12
Kevin Harney
Exodus 20:14; Psalm 51:7-12