Senior Pastor Jeff Manion introduces the book of Proverbs and how it presents a path toward a wise life. Through this conversation, we are challenged to begin making small decisions today to end up at the right destination. The Wisdom Challenge is introduced, laying out a plan to read through the book of Proverbs twice […]
Teaching Pastor Aaron Buer introduces two characters from the book of Proverbs, the Wise and the Fool. Through this conversation, we see that we are either on the wise path or the foolish path. We are challenged by the idea that one of the biggest differences between the wise and the fool is whether we […]
Teaching Pastor Aaron Buer discusses the foundation for the book of Proverbs and all wisdom. Through this conversation, we see what the “Fear of the Lord” means. We are challenged to worship and obey God because it leads to real life. Proverbs 1:7; 14:26-27
Senior Pastor Jeff Manion unpacks two tables we find in Proverbs. Through this conversation, we see that the relational environment of the meal is far more important than the food itself. We are challenged to consider what we are providing to those around us. Proverbs 15:17; 17:1
Senior Pastor Jeff Manion discusses wise advice. Through this conversation, we are encouraged to accept the challenge of listening to advice, to hear the plea of the wise to listen to advice and to seek out wise advice. We also learn the biggest obstacle to listening to and taking advice is pride. Proverbs 19:20; 12:15
Senior Pastor Jeff Manion brings us to the world of the Proverbs. Through this conversation, we see how understanding the Bible requires us to do some work to understand the world of the original audience. As we understand the message given to the original audience we learn to be trustworthy, get things done at the […]
Teaching Pastor Aaron Buer discusses the significant role friends play in our lives. Through this conversation, we see that the direction and quality of our life often depends on the direction and quality of our friends. We are challenged to be intentional in our friendships. Proverbs 13:20; 18:24; 27:17
Pastor Aaron Buer discusses why we end up in undesired spaces. Through this conversation, we see how the paths we choose lead to real consequences. We are challenged to select our paths wisely by guarding our hearts. We guard our hearts when we surrender our desires to God and trust him. Proverbs 7:6-10, 21-27
Senior Pastor Jeff Manion unpacks the concept of ant power. Through this conversation, we are challenged to leverage ant power through our habits, focus and imprint. Pastor Jeff encouraged us to consider what one habit we need to continue, revive or begin. Proverbs 6:6-8
Senior Pastor Jeff Manion discusses how wisdom encourages us to take 100 steps in the right direction. Through this conversation, we see that neglect leads to destruction in our lives. We are challenged to actively prevent neglect through intentionality. Proverbs 24:30-34