Senior Pastor Jeff Manion opens our series on The Lord’s Prayer. Through this conversation, we see that Jesus gives us a form, not a formula for prayer. We are challenged to follow Jesus’s own pattern of prayer by using The Lord’s Prayer to guide our conversation with God. Matthew 6
Pastor Jeff Manion walks through the first two phrases of The Lord’s Prayer. Through this conversation, we see that these phrases reveal the personal and transcendent nature of God. We are challenged to allow these phrases to shape our conversations with God. Matthew 6
Pastor Aaron Buer talks about God’s kingdom and his will. Through this conversation, we see that God’s kingdom is a place of physical, relational and spiritual restoration that we can help bring about. We are challenged to submit our lives to God’s will by knowing the Bible and obeying God’s instructions in it. Matthew 6:9-13
Pastor Aaron Buer discusses the phrase “Give us this day our daily bread.” Through this conversation, we see that we can trust God with our needs because of his provision, his care and his sacrifice. We are challenged to develop a daily dependence on God. Matthew 6:9-13
Pastor Jeff Manion discusses three realities of forgiveness. Through this conversation, we see that we need to be aware of our own sin and the price Jesus paid to offer us forgiveness. We are challenged to be a community of forgiving people because being forgiven and forgiving go together. Matthew 6:9-13
Pastor Jeff Manion discusses Jesus’s instructions to pray “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” Through this conversation, we see that Jesus wants us to ask for help with temptation because we are prone to self-deception and fulfilling our longings outside God’s plan. We are challenged to remember that not […]