Pastor Jeff Manion shares how Paul describes the church as a family. Through this conversation, we see three family metaphors for the church: children, mothers and fathers. We are challenged to engage our church community by being real about what’s going on in our lives, watching out for each other and encouraging one another.
Pastor Jeff Manion helps us understand the church as a body. Through this conversation, we see that God has gifted each of us uniquely. We are challenged not to feel inferior or superior because of the status of our gifting, but to see each gift as from God.
Pastor Aaron Buer helps us view the church as a bride. Through this conversation, we see the church is incredibly loved by God as his bride. We are challenged to be faithful to God and show our love to him through obedience.
Pastor Aaron Buer discusses Peter’s description of the church community as the temple of God. Through this conversation we see that the church community is the place where God is present. We are challenged to worship God with our whole lives and to declare his greatness to those around us.