Pastor Aaron Buer begins the Road to Resurrection series by teaching how Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem challenges our understanding of who Jesus is and what he came to do. We discover Jesus as King and are reminded to go and do what he asks of us. We remember Jesus as Savior who came to […]
Pastor Aaron Buer continues our sermon series The Road to Resurrection by looking at the cross. We explore the profound significance of Christ’s crucifixion. We are confronted with the darkness of our sin and God’s judgment yet marvel at how Jesus took our punishment on the cross. We see Christ’s agonizing cry of being forsaken […]
Pastor Aaron Buer explores the powerful encounter of the resurrected Jesus with two disillusioned disciples on the Road to Emmaus. We see how Jesus meets us in our disappointment, challenging misplaced hopes while restoring our understanding of who he truly is. We discover how Jesus has undone humanity’s original sinful rebellion. We are reminded that, […]