Easter weekend, Senior Teaching Pastor Jeff Manion took us to the resurrection account in the Gospel of John. In John 20, we find Mary Magdalene discovering the empty tomb. Jesus reveals himself to Mary in the garden, followed by appearances to the disciples. John believes when he sees the empty tomb. Mary believes when Jesus […]
Senior Teaching Pastor Jeff Manion unpacks the first of the seven signs in John’s gospel: turning water into wine at the wedding feast. This sign not only demonstrates Jesus’ miraculous power, but directly points to who Jesus is. As the master of the feast, Jesus came to take away our shame and bring us peace […]
In Searching, Pastor of Student Ministries Aaron Buer takes us to the encounter between Jesus and Nathanael, found in John 1. While Nathanael eventually becomes one of Jesus’ disciples, he is initially skeptical. Through this encounter, we learn something about searching and surrender. Nathanael searches in the wrong places, while Jesus is searching for Nathanael. […]
In The Woman at the Well, Senior Pastor Jeff Manion tells the story of Jesus’ three conversations in Samaria. Through the encounters, we learn: Jesus loves everyone – including those who often suffer prejudice, Jesus offers the answers to our deepest longings, the work of the gospel often builds on previous work, belief can grow […]
This weekend, Senior Pastor Jeff Manion tells us the story of the man born blind. In this story, the man receives his sight and believes. We learn God works through, in and around difficulty and suffering. This story also includes a group of people with vehement, dogmatic disbelief. In his interactions with the Pharisees, we […]
In Life, Senior Pastor Jeff Manion unpacks the story of Jesus raising a man from the dead. This story shows Jesus is familiar with something we all experience – pain, loss, grief and confusion. Jesus loves Lazarus, Mary and Martha, yet Lazarus still dies. Jesus works in, around and through the situation to show he […]