Pastor Aaron Buer begins our Politics and Unity sermon series by exploring Jesus’s interaction with Pilate. We learn that Jesus is indeed a king, but his kingdom is a different type of kingdom. But, since he is a king, Jesus is king over our politics. We are challenged to submit to Jesus as king over […]
Pastor Aaron Buer continues our Politics & Unity series by examining Jesus’s prayer for unity in John 17. We discover that Jesus desires unity among believers, not uniformity, and that this unity serves as a powerful witness to the world. We are challenged to view fellow believers as family and to prioritize our shared faith […]
Guest speaker Pastor John Dickson continues our Politics and Unity sermon series by examining the concept of our primary citizenship. We explore how our primary allegiance should be to God’s Kingdom rather than earthly political systems. Through Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we learn that as citizens of heaven, we are called to prioritize the […]
Pastor John Dickson concludes our Politics and Unity sermon series by exploring the concept of Christian humility and unity. We examine how the Trinity serves as the ultimate model for unity in diversity and how this should shape our community as believers. We are challenged to adopt Christ’s mindset of humility, being passive in self-promotion […]