Setting the Stage

  • Setting the Stage

    Acts 16:6-34

  • The Partnership

    Pastor Jeff Manion unpacks Paul’s three reminders and his prayer for this struggling church in Philippians 1:1-11. Paul reminds the young community of their past faithfulness, their certain future and Paul’s deep affection for them. These reminders are timely for us, as they were for the Philippians. Paul prays the Philippians would have a smart […]

  • Stuck

    Pastor Jeff Manion walks us through the section of Paul’s letter where he updates his friends in Philippi about his circumstances. He’s stuck waiting. His present situation is uncomfortable, and he face a fork in the road. How he describes his situation challenges us when we find ourselves stuck waiting. We often find ourselves stuck […]

  • The Power of Pulling Together

    Paul’s letter to the Christians in Philippi reveals a church on the edge of disaster. The Apostle Paul has learned that this is a congregation in crisis and the spread of the gospel is at risk of stalling. Join us as we discuss the surprising way Paul coaches these young believers to set aside their […]

  • The Servant Mindset

    This conversation centers around the person and work of Jesus. The solution for the church in crisis is humility. Jesus not only modeled humility but also revolutionized the way we consider humility. This week, our conversation revolves around what the example of Jesus means for our life and how a new song should stick with […]

  • Reputation

    Our reputation can help advance or stifle the spread of the gospel. Writing from a Roman prison, Paul highlights the reputation of Timothy and Epaphroditus. Looking at their lives, plus this life of Paul, we learn four character traits important for us as we desire to see the gospel impact those around us. Philippians 2:19-30

  • Religious Resumes

    The Philippian church is under pressure from the Roman culture, but also from a group trying to convince them they need to add religious rituals because Jesus isn’t enough. This week’s conversation looks at what Paul writes to remind the Jesus-followers that Jesus IS enough. Through his own story, he helps them see that a […]

  • Pressing On

    Paul describes what it means to “know Christ” and grow in his grace. Using the imagery of running a race, he urges the Philippian believers to move forward in their faith. Senior Pastor Jeff Manion asks four “disruptive” questions that help us see where we are at in the race: What do I want? How […]

  • More Joy, Less Anxiety

    Paul writes Philippians to challenge and encourage a first-century church struggling with internal and external pressure. This week’s conversation revolves around Paul’s encouragement to rejoice always and not to worry. This seems like a wild idea coming from someone chained to a Roman guard writing to a church under all sorts of pressure. Paul gives […]

  • Shine

    Guest speaker John Dickson unpacks Paul’s message to the believers in Philippi and what it means for us. Writing while chained to a Roman prison guard, Paul encourages the first-century Jesus followers with the motivation, power, character and impact of an obedient community. The Philippian church is at risk of losing its gospel effectiveness.  Their […]
