This conversation looks at the value of refocusing our view from the things that are wrong in life to the many things blessings we have and experience. It helps us see the meaning and importance of Thanksgiving, while challenging us to develop the habit of expressing gratitude. Philippians 4:4-7
Continuing our series Finding Peace in a Culture of Anxiety, this week’s conversation looks at the incredibly difficult task of rejoicing always and the role joy plays in pushing out anxiety. Developing a joyful heart helps us see God’s good works around me, God’s good works in me, God’s good world to come and God’s […]
This conversation discusses how we can refocus our thoughts and take control over what we think about. When we do that, we transform our hearts over time and begin to minimize our propensity toward anxiety. Philippians 4:8-9
In this family friendly conversation, Student Ministries Pastor Aaron Buer discusses Jesus’ encouragement to find our status and value in God. Just like the birds and flowers are taken care of by God, we can trust God to take care of us. Matthew 6:25-30