October 24/25 Fear & Faith
October 24/25 Fear & Faith

Oct 24/25 Fear & Faith

October 24/25 Fear & Faith



Pastor Aaron Buer sat down with our Kentwood Campus Men’s Ministry Pastor Samuel Jones to lean in, listen and learn from his experiences in our most recent edition of Conversations with Friends. Check out this important conversation between two of our pastors at adabible.org/cwf.


This week we were encouraged to trust God even in messy situations. One way we can grow closer to God is through reading his word. Discuss together with your group how participating in the weekend sermon series and using your journal has shaped your Spiritual Practice of daily Bible reading. What new skills have you learned? How is this practice impacting your daily faith journey and relationship with God?


Small Group Leader Huddles were just last week. Log into the Small Group Leader Facebook Group and share one thing you took away from our time together. Don’t forget to tag your staff contact so they can hear from you!


This week we continue our fall series, The Company of Christ. This conversation looks at four crises and how they teach us to trust God.

What’s one of the best things you’ve done so far this fall?

Open your journal to page 43, take turns reading through the passage of Mark 4:35-6:6. What jumps out to you? What did you or will you be sure to mark?



The disciples ask Jesus if he even cares. This is often our first impulse when in a crisis. How have you experienced this in your life?



Pastor Jeff Manion pointed out that we expect Jesus to ask this man to follow him; instead, he tells him to stay. Why do you think Jesus tells him to stay?

As Christians, we often talk about following Jesus somewhere. Going and doing something new. How is it sometimes harder to stay and follow Jesus where we already are?



The woman is desperate. She has suffered much, seen many, spent all, got worse. Share about a crisis you’ve experienced where you felt desperate.

Pastor Jeff said that he doesn’t believe Jesus saying, “your faith has healed you” is a recipe for faith and healing. But rather Jesus is answering two questions, “Who is he? What does he want from us?” How does this encounter answer those questions, and provide a preview of the Kingdom of God?



Jairus’ daughter dies, and Jesus says some unexpected words. Instead of “don’t grieve” or “don’t cry,” we read, “Don’t be afraid; just believe” (Mark 5:36). Where in your life do you need to apply those words this week?

Jesus raises two other people from the dead in the New Testament, a widow’s son and his friend Lazarus. In that passage, Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die” (John 11:25-26). How do verses like this provide comfort when we find ourselves at a cemetery or funeral home?

When in a crisis, it can be easy not to know what trusting God looks like. How does it go a long way in trusting God by acknowledging he is wise, loves us and can be trusted?



This week we took a look at four crises and Jesus’ response to them. Turn to page 48 in your journal. Does anyone have any notes they want to discuss?

Which crisis resonated with you the most, and what’s a next step you can take to respond to what you’ve discussed?  Write it down at the bottom of page 48 and consider sharing this in your prayer request time.


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