October 21/22 The Qualities of Rebuilding
October 21/22 The Qualities of Rebuilding

October 21/22 The Qualities of Rebuilding

October 21/22 The Qualities of Rebuilding



Love worshiping God and want more? Join us in person or online for an extended time of prayer, God’s Word and worship. Our next WORSHIP NIGHT is November 2 from 6:30–8 PM at the East Paris Campus or online. Sign up today at Info & Events at adabible.info.


This October, we are focusing on the value of SERVING. Investing in others is something Jesus calls us to do and one of our values at Ada Bible. Discuss the gifts you can use to bless, encourage and serve. Serving others often starts with encouragement from a trusted friend.


Make sure to check out the LEADER’S FACEBOOK PAGE if you haven’t lately. It’s a great place to stay informed about what’s going on around Ada Bible and in small groups. Connect with us at facebook.com/groups/adasmallgroupleaders.


This week, we continue our series called REBUILD, considering key character traits in any rebuild.

What was a highlight of your past week?



Have someone read Nehemiah 2:11-20 aloud.

What stands out to you most in this story?

Why do you think Nehemiah inspected the walls himself rather than telling people to start rebuilding?

What was the reaction of the city leaders when Nehemiah told them about his plan to rebuild the wall, and what does this reveal about their character?



Pastor Aaron Buer talked about key character qualities for any rebuild, as evidenced in Nehemiah’s story. As a group, name his main points.

Which part of the sermon encouraged or challenged you the most, and why?

Those living in Jerusalem became accustomed to living with the rubble of the broken-down walls. In what ways might it be common for people to live with rubble today?

One of the character qualities needed for a rebuild is humility. Why do we struggle with humility?

When have you had to get honest with yourself or someone else about a challenge to move toward a rebuild? How did that honesty impact the situation?

Nehemiah and the city officials took the initiative and got started. When it comes to a rebuild, what are some obstacles that keep us from getting moving?

How does Nehemiah’s willingness to work on the wall despite opposition encourage you in a current rebuild?

Which character quality from this message do you need most in this season of life, and how can you begin cultivating that this week?

Is there anything else about the sermon you wanted to talk about?



Today we talked about key character qualities for rebuilding. What is your biggest takeaway from our discussion today?

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