November 22/23 Light of the World
November 22/23 Light of the World

November 22/23 Light of the World

November 22/23 Light of the World



DON’T MISS THIS. Families, kick off your Christmas season with our children’s ministry Discovery Village at JINGLE JAM on Friday, December 6 at 6:30 PM at all campuses. Enjoy a night of singing, hearing the Christmas story, a snack, and a craft! Register and learn more HERE.

GROUP VALUES. This November, we’re focusing on RELATIONAL INVESTMENTS. This value is about developing a heart for those in our lives who don’t know Jesus. Take some time to pray for the people you might see around the dinner table this Thanksgiving who do not have a relationship with Jesus.

GROW AS A LEADER. One of our core small group values at Ada Bible Church is to INVEST IN OTHERS. Groups often invest in others during the Holiday season by serving. We believe we are created, called, and gifted to serve. Contact your Small Groups Pastor for questions and ideas, or click HERE to explore current opportunities.


This week, John Dickson joins Ada Bible Church to share insight from what God has been stirring in his heart from the Gospel of Matthew, titled Light of the World.”


Thanksgiving week has arrived! Share about a Thanksgiving dish that you can’t live without and one that you can’t live with.


Have someone read Matthew 5:1-16 aloud.

What about this passage stands out to you?

How does Jesus describe the character and actions of those who are blessed?

What seems to be the purpose of being salt and light according to this passage?


Pastor John Dickson invited us to consider how Christians are to live in a skeptical world.

As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas and main points.

In what ways does our culture seem most skeptical about the Christian faith?

Matthew 5:3-12 are commonly referred to as “The Beatitudes.” What do these verses tell us about how Christians should be noticed? How would the Beatitudes have made an impact on the crowd gathered around Jesus?

Which of the attitudes Jesus describes (poor in spirit, meek, mourning) do you find most challenging? Why?

Share about someone whose life and character reflect today’s passage. What about them affects you?

Jesus calls his believers to be both salt and light in a skeptical world. How might your everyday actions look different if you truly saw yourself as salt and light wherever you go?

Where might there be opportunities in your life to be a peacemaker or to show mercy rather than retaliation?

How can our group support and pray for each other as we prepare to be salt and light this holiday season?


As we head into the holidays, opportunities are abundant for us to live out our faith. What is one takeaway from this week’s message that you want to carry into the season?

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