DON’T MISS THIS. Do you love worshiping God through music and want more than a weekend service? Join us for WORSHIP NIGHT on November 7 from 6:30-8:00 pm at the Cascade Campus. We will enjoy an extended time of prayer, God’s Word and praise and worship. Learn more and sign up HERE.
GROUP VALUES. This November, we’re focusing on RELATIONAL INVESTMENTS. This is all about developing a heart for those in our lives who don’t know Jesus. Talk with your group about praying intentionally for opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with people. Ask each group member to share the name of someone who doesn’t know Jesus. Then, regularly pray for those people and for an opportunity to share the gospel with them.
GROW AS A LEADER. Make sure to check out the LEADER’S FACEBOOK PAGE if you haven’t lately. It’s a great place to stay informed about what’s happening around Ada Bible Church and in small groups. Connect with us at
Welcome to the fifth week of our sermon series, UNSHAKABLE. This week, we explore how the gospel continues to shape every aspect of our lives as we grow in Christ.
Share about a time when you felt completely accepted by someone even though they knew your flaws. How did their acceptance affect you?
Have someone read 1 Thessalonians 2:5-12 aloud.
What aspects of Paul’s relationship with the Thessalonians stand out to you in this passage?
What different word pictures does Paul use to describe his ministry among them?
How would you describe Paul’s overall tone when writing to this church?
Pastor Jeff Manion continued our Unshakable sermon series by discussing how the gospel shapes our lives to experience true freedom. As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas and main points.
In what ways do you see people in our culture trying to craft perfect images of themselves?
True gospel freedom releases us from the need to make an impression. What barriers often prevent us from being authentic and genuine with each other?
Many religious leaders of Jesus’s time focused on looking good rather than doing good. In what part of your life might you be more concerned with appearance than authentic spiritual growth, and what step can you take this week to change that?
Paul never got over the fact that Christ saved him despite his past of persecuting Christians. How does seeing ourselves as “radically flawed but radically loved” impact our ability to love and serve others?
In what current situation do you need to remember that you are infinitely loved, infinitely treasured and infinitely secure in Christ? How can you remember that truth this week?
We can only love well when we love from a position of fullness because of God’s love, not neediness. What makes it particularly challenging for us to love difficult people?
What would it look like to experience God’s love for you more deeply this week so you can love others from that fullness rather than your own resources?
Some say they’ve “invited Jesus into their life,” but the greater reality is that God invites us into his life and story. How does this shift in perspective change how you view your daily choices and surrender to Jesus?
We’ve discussed how the gospel brings true freedom from maintaining an image, freedom to love and freedom of purpose. The gospel isn’t something we move beyond but something we move deeper into. What is one specific way you can move deeper into the gospel this week rather than moving beyond it?