Ever feel anxious or tongue-tied about SHARING YOUR FAITH with others? Join us at the Kentwood Campus on December 7 from 7-8:30 pm to learn some simple tools that equip and encourage you to share the Good News of Jesus in our communities. Learn more and register HERE.
For November, we’re focusing on the group value of PRAYER. How have you seen God answer prayer in your group this year? Take time to reflect on requests that have been shared and thank God together for his love, care and provision. Pray together for requests you are still trusting him to work through.
Do you have access to RIGHT NOW MEDIA? Ada Bible Church provides leaders access to this library of 25,000+ videos. You can find Bible studies, kids programming, custom content from Ada Bible and more. Sign up at
Welcome to our new sermon series, TANDEM. This week, we look at the mission Jesus sends his disciples on and how faith and works belong together.
When do you start playing Christmas music—before or after Thanksgiving, and why?
Have someone read Luke 9:1-6 and Luke 9:10-11 out loud.
What stands out to you in these passages about the instructions Jesus gives his disciples?
Why do you think he instructed them in these ways?
What similarities or differences do you see between the disciples’ commissioning in verses 1-6 and their reunion with Jesus in verses 10-11?
This week, Pastor Jeff Manion talked about the tandem nature of faith and works, the gospel and its results. As a group, name the main points of the sermon.
Which part of the sermon encouraged or challenged you the most, and why?
Why is it challenging for people to keep faith and works together and not prioritize one over the other?
What problems can arise if we confuse faith and works or get them out of order?
How would you summarize the gospel in your own words?
What are the implications of the gospel for us personally and for the world?
What modern-day examples show the desire for “the Kingdom without the King”?
It can be easy only to want Jesus as King (Savior) but not want to follow his instructions on life. It can also be easy to want a world of peace, the kingdom Jesus came to bring about, but not want Jesus as King. Do you tend to lean toward “King without the Kingdom,” “Kingdom without the King,” or something else? How can our group help each other live with both King AND Kingdom in mind?
How does viewing Jesus’s healing ministry as a preview of his kingdom yet to come encourage you in a challenging situation?
Is there anything else from this sermon you wanted to talk about?
Today, we discussed the importance of keeping faith and works together because the gospel and its results are connected. What do you want to do differently because of our discussion today?