The holidays are coming soon, starting with Thanksgiving. Encourage your group to stay connected to the sermon. Gather your friends and family to watch live at or download video/audio at
This week’s discussion is about thinking of others before ourselves. One way we do this is by considering who might need what our group has to offer. As a group, spend some time thinking through your social circles and who you might be able to invite to join your group.
Even the best groups can have conversations that go sideways and create discomfort. Don’t miss our Huddle Sunday, November 24, to learn what to do in those moments to help your group feel safe again. During huddles, we get better together as leaders because we learn from each other. Click here to sign up at your campus.
Welcome to the fifth week of our series, The Culture of the Cross. This week’s conversation centers around giving up our rights for the benefit of others.
If you could plan it—but didn’t have to cook it—what would be the perfect Thanksgiving menu?
Have someone from your group read 1 Corinthians 8 aloud. What’s going on in the passage? What jumps out to you?
What do you think Paul means when he says knowledge puffs up? How does he contrast that with love?
What are some of the ways we can be right in the wrong way?
What’s the difference between being in a conversation just to get a point across, and being in a conversation to understand what someone is saying? Which do you think is more loving?
What are some topics or people where you struggle with being right in the wrong way?
How can we be right in the right way?
Followers of Jesus would’ve known that the idols weren’t real. Why do you think some of them were struggling with eating the meat then?
What did Pastor Aaron Buer mean when he said sometimes there’s a disconnect what we believe and how we feel? How have you experienced this disconnect?
Who does Paul address his instructions in 1 Corinthians 8 to? Who doesn’t he appear to address?
The believers in Corinth left behind a pagan idol culture to follow Jesus. What culture did you leave behind to follow Jesus? How do you think that influences how you feel about things?
We are all on a journey. Sometimes we get stuck. How can knowing each other’s stories help us support each other better? Is there something from your story that you haven’t shared that you want to share to help the group understand you better?
What does Paul warn against in 1 Corinthians 8:9? What do you think that means?
What are some areas we have freedom in Christ that could possibly trip others up?
How could exercising our rights hurt some else’s spiritual journey?
Why do you think Paul uses the terms “brother” and “sister”? What kind of sacrifices are people typically willing to make for their family?
How would it change the way we acted toward other Christians if we actually considered them family?
This week we considered the importance of putting our rights aside for the betterment of others. Is there a right or freedom you’ve been challenged to give up for someone else’s sake?
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