May 2/3 The Fear of the Lord

May 2/3 The Fear of the Lord

May 2/3 The Fear of the Lord



Stay connected while you stay-at-home. Join us for Thrive Live, an online women’s event for encouraging your faith, uplifting conversation and a whole lot of fun on May 12 or May 14.  Programming the same for both nights and not campus-specific. Thrive Live meets online through Zoom. Sign up here.


This month we are focused on relational investments. As a group, discuss whether there is someone in your life you could invite to stream The Way of the Wise along with you?


We want to encourage, equip and inform you as leaders. One of the best ways for us to do that is through the leader Facebook group. Stay engaged with the group, upload photos, share stories and interact with other leaders. If you aren’t a member of the group, join here.


Welcome to Week 3 of our spring sermon series, The Way of the Wise. This week we look at where we need to start our journey for wisdom.

What is your favorite thing about spring?



Check-in with your group. How do you feel about The Wisdom Challenge so far?



Proverbs 1:7 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” When you think of “fear of the Lord,” what is the first thing that you think?

When we look around, there are parts of creation that help us realize we aren’t the center of the universe. This should cause us to worship God. How does creation give you that feeling?



Deuteronomy 10:12-13 describes how we can fear the Lord. It says to walk in obedience, love him, serve him with everything we have and to obey his commands. Why do you think obedience is such a big part of fearing the Lord?

We are all under a different kind of stress and operating with an altered schedule. Where in your life are you struggling to live in obedience in this current season?



Proverbs 14:26-27 says a wise life is secure and full of life—like a fortress, refuge or fountain. Reflecting back on the different proverbs you’ve read over the past few weeks, how would following the instruction of wisdom lead to this kind of life?

Jesus said he came to bring us life to the full (John 10:10). How have you experienced full life through your relationship with God?



This week we discussed how fearing the LORD is worship and obedience that leads to true life. Which of these (worship or obedience) is the most challenging for you, and what’s one thing you can do to lean into it this week?


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