May 13/14 The Other Nine
May 13/14 The Other Nine

May 13/14 The Other Nine

May 13/14 The Other Nine



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This May, we’re focusing on SERVING. Often the best way to see where God is calling you to serve is to begin. Discuss as a small group some ways to serve at church this summer and how you can help each other take that first step.


Have you checked out the LEADER’S FACEBOOK PAGE lately? It’s a great place to stay informed about what’s going on around Ada Bible Church and in small groups. Small Groups staff post regularly. Connect with us at


Welcome to the second week in our sermon series, ENCOUNTERS WITH JESUS. We’ll talk about Jesus’ interaction with one man in a group of ten lepers.

What fun plans do you have for this summer?



Have someone read Luke 17:11-19 aloud.

Who are all the characters in this story, and where are the action moments?

What things were significant about the one man who returned to thank Jesus?

What is something else you find striking or interesting in this passage?



Pastor Jeff Manion talked about Luke’s story of Jesus healing ten lepers, yet only one returned to give thanks. As a group, recount the main points he taught.

Which one of these points stood out to you the most, and why?

Compare and contrast what it means to be grateful FOR something versus being thankful TO God.

Why is it important to give thanks to God? Why do you think we forget or neglect to do so?

God always meets us as we go forward in obedience. Why do we often want to see all the steps before making the first one in trust?

How can we encourage each other as a group to simply move into serving, spiritual discipline or another step of obedience?

Jesus tells the one who returned that not only is he healed, but his faith has made him well. What might be the difference between “well” and “healed?”

We can find ourselves outsiders for many reasons, but sometimes we don’t notice those who feel like they are on the outside. How are you encouraged or challenged by Jesus’s actions in this passage?

What practices or habits help you be grateful, and how do you express this as thanks and praise to God?

Go around the circle to have everyone mention several things they are grateful to God for and spend a few minutes giving thanks to him.

Is there anything else from the sermon you would like to discuss today?



Today we talked about Jesus’s interaction with a Samaritan leper. What’s one way you will intentionally be thankful to God this week because of our conversation?