Welcome to our conversation about the Easter sermon. This week we will talk about a man’s healing and its aftermath. Through the three sections, we learn something about God and ourselves.
Building healthy and life-giving relationships.
What has been new or challenging in your life since last time the group met? Spend 20–30 minutes checking in with each other.
Share Part of Your Story
What did you do for Easter?
An important part of care is making our small group a priority. As we transition seasons, is there anything we need to adjust with our group schedule so everyone can be here? How can we make small group a priority?
Taking next steps toward Christ together.
The Gate
Have someone read Acts 3:1-10 aloud. What is going on here?
A few months after the resurrection, Peter and John head to the temple. On the way Peter heals a lame man. Why is the temple such an important place? How does Luke describe the actions Peter takes?
What do you think was the significance of making eye contact and physically touching the man? How might things like eye contact and appropriate touch be important in our culture?
Peter physically lifted the man up. Throughout the Psalms, David talks about how God lifts up (Psalm 30:1, 40:2, 107:41, 113:7). What are some of the ways God lifts people up? How has God lifted you up? Take a moment and have someone in your group offer a brief prayer of gratitude for how God has lifted you.
God can lift us up from our lostness, a difficult situation or a tough emotional place. Are you going through something you want God to lift you up from? If so, what is it and how can your group be praying about that situation?
The Porch
Have someone read Acts 3:11-24 aloud.
The healing attracts a crowd and Peter begins to talk to them. Who are the people in the crowd? What are some of the things Peter says about them? How do you think having a man who used to be lame standing next to Peter helps the people receive what he says?
A powerful summary of Peter’s message is like this: 1) You killed him. 2) God raised him. 3) We saw him. 4) Say you’re sorry (repent). How do you think this message applies to us today?
The last part of the message is about making a big turn, a U-turn. What does making a U-turn mean here? Why is it such a big deal?
The Courtroom
Have someone summarize the trial of Peter and John in Acts 4:1-22. Who are the key players involved? How do they respond?
Peter had seen the resurrected Christ, had been lovingly restored (John 21:15-19) and had been filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Still, Peter found himself face-to-face with a similar situation to that of his greatest failure. Why is it such a big deal that Peter stands up for what he believes in during the trial?
Through the cooperation of Peter and the Holy Spirit, Peter is able to bounce back. He doesn’t let his failure define him. What’s the implication of this for us today?
Some of us may be living in the land of regret. We need to acknowledge what happened, understand that in God’s economy—failure doesn’t have to be final, and move forward understanding God may be pleased to use us in the future. Why do you think acknowledging it happened and accepting responsibility is the first step?
What does it mean that failure doesn’t have to be final in God’s economy? Why do you think people can sometimes get stuck on their failures?
What’s the significance of recognizing God may be pleased to use us in the future?
Which of the three steps (acknowledging what happened, understanding failure doesn’t have to be final or understanding God may be pleased to use us) is hardest for you?
Do you feel like you are living in the land of regret? If so, what happened and how can the group be praying for you?
This week’s conversation talks about how God lifts us up, we need to make the big turn and we need to partner with the Holy Spirit to bounce back. Which of these ideas connected with you? What’s one step you can take this week to focus on that idea?
Valuing people outside the group and outside the faith.
Spring is a great time for your group to serve others. Who do you know who could use help this spring? How could your group help them? Who will take the initiative to make it happen?
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