March 23/24 The Cross
March 23/24 The Cross

March 23/24 The Cross

March 23/24 The Cross



EASTER SERVICES are a great time to invite people to join you for church. Consider inviting family members, friends, co-workers or neighbors. Pick up an invitation card at services this weekend or share this link with service information:


This March, we focus on SERVING. Often, the best way to see where God is calling you to serve is to begin. As a small group, discuss ways to serve at church this spring and how you can help each other take that first step.


Want to grow as a leader? Looking to take the next step in your faith? The ONLINE LEADER TRAININGS are a great place to grow. Check out the opportunities at


Welcome to the second week of our sermon series THE ROAD TO RESURRECTION. This week, we look at Jesus’s crucifixion, the significance of the cross and why it matters in our lives.



What are some fun examples of things in your life that started out extraordinary but became ordinary over time?



Have someone read Matthew 27:45-56 aloud.

What details in this passage stand out to you?

How do the different people in this passage respond to what is happening?

What does this passage reveal about Jesus and his character?



Pastor Aaron Buer taught about Jesus’s death on the cross, the significance of this moment and how we should respond. As a group, recall some of the sermon’s big ideas or main points.

Why do you think our culture is so resistant to the concept of guilt and to admitting sin?

When have you observed someone who was once distant from God find closeness and restored relationship with God? What caused the change?

The darkness represented God’s judgment on sin. Have you ever sensed God’s conviction because of sin? What was that like?

If you are comfortable sharing, how did you respond to God revealing the guilt of your sin, and what did God do in your life as a result?

Jesus cried out to the Father as he experienced separation and the lost love of the Father. Have you experienced a sense of separation from God? What was that like?

The tearing of the veil symbolizes access to God’s presence being opened through Jesus’s sacrifice. How have you experienced a restored relationship and connection to God because of your faith in Jesus?

Pastor Aaron described a double exchange: Jesus takes our sin and gives us his righteousness when we place our faith in him. How does it affect you to know Jesus suffered the greatest loss possible so you could have the greatest gain?

How can we help each other avoid letting the truths of the cross become stale or mundane? What practices will help keep these truths fresh?

Which part of the sermon encouraged or challenged you the most, and why?



This week, we learned how Jesus’s death on the cross provides forgiveness of our sin, righteousness and a restored relationship with God. Which of these do you most need to remember this week, and how can you keep that truth in mind throughout the week?