Mar 19/20 Watch!
Mar 19/20 Watch!

Mar 19/20 Watch!

Mar 19/20 Watch!



Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start but the truth is parents are by far the best spiritual influence on their kids! Join Discovery Village (children’s ministry) for Building Faith at Home on March 25 from 7-9 pm. Jason Ross, East Paris Campus Pastor and parent, will share why + how to help your children love God and follow Jesus. There will also be a panel discussion with parents of all age groups. Doors open at 6:30 pm for appetizers. Sign up today.


This month we focus on Group Growth. As people visit Ada Bible for the first time or return to church for the first time in a long time, it allows us to consider who might need what our group has. Have a conversation with your group about whether there are people you know who could use an invite to your group.


If you missed the Winter Huddle, the Recap is available now. Learn about how to identify, celebrate and plan for spiritual growth. Leaders shared some incredible insight that we think will help make us better leaders. Check out the Recap at


Welcome to the fourth week of our spring sermon series, THE FINAL WEEK. Our conversation this week reveals how we can hold on and live out our faith in a world that can feel like it’s falling apart while we await Jesus’s return.

What’s your favorite springtime memory?

Read Mark 13 aloud. What is new or surprising to you in this passage?



Jesus tells the disciples that their beloved, beautiful temple would be destroyed one day. How do you think this impacted them?

The disciples ask Jesus some questions about the future. What do the disciples want Jesus to tell them?

Why do you think they want to know these things?

Jesus warns his disciples that when the world feels like it’s falling apart, people will come with false promises and hope, even claiming to be the Messiah. How do we see people today offering false answers mixed in with a little bit of faith?



Jesus shares various ways the disciples will be hated and harmed for following him. What emotions may the disciples have experienced at that moment?

How does Jesus’s promise of the Holy Spirit’s help encourage you when you’re mistreated for following Jesus?

When have you seen someone stand firm in their faith while under intense pressure, and how has that impacted your faith in Jesus?

What challenges to your faith are you experiencing, and how can your group help each other stand firm in the midst of those?



Have someone read the parable in Mark 13:34-36 aloud again. Who does each person in the parable represent?

The owner of the house assigns tasks to each servant. What tasks has Jesus assigned his followers while waiting for his return?

Jesus warns we are not to be caught sleeping when he returns. What are some ways we can “fall asleep” in our walk with Jesus today?

Jesus urges his followers to keep watch and do his work while waiting. What is one thing you can start or restart in your spiritual life with Christ this week?



Today we discussed how to live with discernment and not be deceived, be on our guard with our faith and keep watch until the end. Which one challenged you the most, and what step can you take this week in that area?