June 19/20 Rethinking Retaliation
June 19/20 Rethinking Retaliation

June 19/20 ReThinking Retaliation

June 19/20 Rethinking Retaliation



We are looking for people passionate to share the love of Jesus this summer by serving in children’s ministry (Discovery Village). No experience needed. We provide the training, curriculum, support and community to help you do your best. Consider serving 3x this summer to help us fill all our spots and serve our families. This is also a great opportunity to serve together as a group. Email discoveryvillage@adabible.org to start a conversation.


This month we are focused on stories. Plan some informal get-togethers for your group. Compile a list of fun questions to get to know each other better around a campfire or picnic table.


Have you checked out the Small Group Leader online modules recently? These modules are great resources to quip you as a leader. Plus, there are recaps from the last two huddles! Jump back in at learning.adabible.org/small-groups.


Welcome to the third week of our June series, RE:THINK. This week, we talk about how Jesus challenges our ideas of retaliation and how it all comes down to our hearts.

If you had to choose between a lake or a pool, what’s your preference and why?

Have someone read Matthew 5:38-42 aloud. What thoughts or emotions does this passage first bring to mind?



What was the value of the command “eye for eye”?

Why do you think Jesus wants to teach on this issue?



Jesus talks about a person getting insulted by a backhanded slap. What are some emotions you think the person would feel?

How does the condition of our hearts often determine our response when we feel those emotions?



Jesus uses an example of an argument that has escalated so much that someone wants to sue another person for something so necessary to life as a shirt. What are some reasons situations escalate to this point?

Jesus offers a pretty radical instruction here. What do you think your heart would have to be like to do what Jesus says?



Jesus’s next example is about a Roman soldier demanding someone carry their gear for a mile. This was perfectly legal. What are some ways our lives are imposed upon at work or home?

How do you usually respond when your schedule gets upended by someone demanding something?

What are some ways you can be a person of the second mile?



Jesus’s last example is about helping those around us. What are some of the differences between helping those around us and feeling responsible for taking care of everyone’s problems?

How can you prepare your heart to be ready to give your time and money or loan your resources to help those around you?



Jesus’s new way is grounded upon the idea that when we accept his free gift of life, we will be so stunned by what’s been done for us, it will change how we treat others. What are some ways we can try to remain stunned by what God has done for us?

If we are overwhelmed by God’s grace for us, how would that change the way we treat people?



This week we talked about the way we respond when we feel mistreated. It’s about our heart. What are some tangible ways you want to work on your heart this week?


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